Minnesota Asylum Network

Collaborating for the Greater Benefit of Asylum Seekers 

The Minnesota Asylum Network

is a network of organizations and individuals connecting and collaborating for the greater benefit of asylum seekers in the Twin Cities metro area.

Who Can Join?

Any organization, faith community, or individual interested in learning, helping, or partnering to welcome and support people seeking asylum! We especially value the participation of asylum seekers and asylees who can influence MNAN through the expertise of real-life experience.


Bimonthly “sack lunch” meetings provide an opportunity to meet network members, share knowledge, and discuss current challenges, solutions, and best practices.

 Mark your Calendar for upcoming MNAN meetings 



Collaborative efforts often arise organically out of needs, challenges, or opportunities shared among network members. Historically, these have included:

Who do you need to meet? Who needs to meet you? How can we be better together?